I am a postdoctoral researcher working at the intersection of coding theory and cryptography.
In 2022 I joined the GRACE project-team at Inria in Saclay!
My primary research interest is the design and analysis of code-based post-quantum cryptosystems, that is cryptosystems resistant to attacks using quantum computers. I have been working on the security analysis of code-based cryptosystems proposed in response to the call for post-quantum cryptography standardization issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST).
2022-2023 - Postdoc at Inria in Saclay, in the project-team GRACE.
2021-2022 - Postdoc at CWI in Amsterdam, in the crypto group, hosted by Ronald Cramer.
2017-2021 - Ph.D. in Computer Science, Inria in Paris and Sorbonne Université, under supervision of Nicolas Sendrier.
2016-2017 - M.Sc. in Computer Science (MPRI), Université Paris-Saclay.
2013-2016 - Mathematics and Computer Science, École polytechnique.